Γνήσιος πολιτικός σαν και αυτούς
που έφτασαν την Ελλάδα εδώ που την έφτασαν. Ένας «επαναστάτης» που προσαρμόζεται
πάντα στο στόχο του. Ποιος είναι αυτός; Μα φυσικά η φιλοδοξία της εξουσίας.
Από ... «Το Ευρώ είναι μια πυριτιδαποθήκη που πρόκειται να εκραγεί!" .... «Η αριστερά
πρέπει να στηρίξει την ελπίδα του και το έργο του στην εξέγερση του λαού»... «Οι
λαοί να ξεσηκωθούν και να αγωνίζονται».... «Αν στο μέλλον στο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ καταλήξουμε
σε μια κυβέρνηση, προκειμένου να μεταφέρει τη δύναμη του ισχυρού για τους
ανθρώπους, αυτή η διαδικασία πρέπει να συνοδεύεται με τη συμμετοχή των μαζών,
έτσι ώστε να αντιστραφεί η κατάσταση».... φτάσαμε στο American Dream.
Όλα αυτα και άλλα επαναστατικά ειπώθηκαν
τον Σεπτέμβριο στην εφημερίδα Pagina της Αργεντινής.
Στη Νέα Υόρκη άλλαξε το κοστουμάκι
και ο «επανάστατης» εξαφανίστηκε. Αλέξη πας πολύ καλά και είμαι σίγουρος ότι θα
πας καλύτερα.
Ακολουθεί η συνέντευξη μεταφρασμένη
από τα Ισπανικά στα αγγλικά
Interview with leader of the
Greek Syriza Party: ‘The Euro is a Powder Keg that is Going to Explode!’
Euro or no euro. That was the
grand dilemma in which Greece, and in particular, the Syriza movement that
you lead, was framed. How do you analyse the period of crisis that Europe is
currently undergoing, and which seems to put in question much more than the
sacrosanct stability of the euro?
I believe the European model has to be rebuilt from
below. We can’t be satisfied with what today is called Europe. The current
crisis is not a European crisis but a global one. Europe today does not have
the mechanisms to confront it or control the worldwide financial
against its peoples. Hence why Europe became a continent where the attack of
the global financial system was ferocious. We have no defences.
Might it be that the euro, the
common currency, is an unviable currency, which is to say, a currency that
does not represent the real level of the 17 countries of the countries that
make up the Eurozone, and that hence, imposes sacrifices on many nations
that cannot meet the demands that the euro needs to exist?
The euro isn’t the only reason for the crisis, but it
is part of it. The crisis springs from the architecture of the euro within
Europe. We need a common currency, but not a controlled currency, which
merely benefits big business and the rich. What we need is a currency that
corresponds to the need of the peoples. We have a common currency, but we
need to have the ability to have policies for every country, especially
those countries on the periphery, which are suffering at the moment. The
euro is a unique phenomenon worldwide: we have a common currency, that is,
a monetary union, but we lack a political union and a European Central Bank
able to provide assistance to every country in Europe.
Is there not a contradiction
in your stance: on the left and at the same time defending the euro?
The contradiction would exist if we were defending
the way the euro works, what it represents, what its architecture is, and
the hegemony within this common currency. The problem is not the common
currency but the policies that go along with this currency. The euro has
become a prison for the peoples of Europe, especially the weakest economies
on the periphery going through the crisis. The contradiction is in the base
on which the euro was built. The euro is a powder keg that is going to explode
if we continue in this direction. The adjustment policies that go hand in
hand with the neoliberal model within the euro will lead us to the
destruction of the euro. But this situation is going to be paid for by the
peoples and not the banks, who will save themselves, or try to save
themselves. The dogmatic sectarianism of the European elites who defend
this model is driving Europe many decades backwards.
You and the left have a
brilliant diagnosis of the problem. But there is no sign of the same
effectiveness in the way of handling the confrontation with the liberal
system. How then does one leave behind the poetry of diagnosis and properly
enter a forceful process of reform?
One good way consists of starting by changing the
correlation of forces in society. In May and June the Syriza party was
very close to breaking the correlation of forces that existed. Greece
became an ultraliberal experiment, a guinea pig. Here the politics of shock
were tried out in order to spread them to the rest of Europe. But society
reacts. People no longer have the everyday life they had before and it is
those same people who reacted so that things change. Through its mobilisation
society threatened the elites in our country. That means that we are
changing the correlation of forces through the critical behaviour of the
masses. We have to remember that after the Nazi and fascist occupation of
our country, a few years later, in 1958, the left was on the verge of rising
to power. We lost the last elections by a narrow percentage. But we have to
bear in mind that on the other side the adversaries were not only the
political forces, but also a very powerful global and European financial
system that fought us ferociously with all their weapons. But if we won the
elections Greece might have become the weak link capable of breaking the
chain that binds Europe. Perhaps in this way Greece might move from being a
guinea pig to being the future baby, the embryo of hope. We have not yet lost
that historic opportunity. The peoples have not spoken their final word.
Was Greece a little like the
Chile paradigm in Europe?
If we had won the elections we would have become the
Chile of Europe. But we don’t know today. The Latin American experiences of
recent years are very enriching for us. What happened in Chile when the
dictatorship fell, what is happening in Venezuela today, what happened in
Argentina ten years ago, when the IMF left Argentina, all this constitutes
experiences that make us much richer and help us to perfect and concretise
our strategy, both in Greece and in Europe.
In what sense does what
happened in Chile, Venezuela or Argentina bring something to the radical
left movements in the Old Continent? [Europe]
The most important lesson lies in that the left
cannot deploy their weapons merely by trying to change the political system – no. The left has to base its hope and its work in the uprising of
the people. The peoples rise up and they struggle. If in the future we in
Syriza end up with a government, in order to transfer the power of the
powerful to the people, this process has to be accompanied bv the
participation of the masses, so as to reverse the situation. A
government alone cannot do it. New democratic institutions are also
necessary. We cannot change clothes and put on the suit worn by the
previous powers. That suit does not fit us well. Therefore we have to
create new social and political institutions to raise the forces of the
people, which at the moment are marginalised within the system and have
neither participation nor power. We have to transfer this power to
Many compare what happened in
Argentina in 2001 with what is happening in Greece. People recall that
Argentinian slogan that said “All of them out” [que se vayan todos]– Does
this hold for Greece currently?
Here you still hear voices saying ‘all of them out’.
The major media outlets supported this slogan which, in reality, has no
political content. But what was the result of this: in a country such as
Greece, where what we call democracy was born, we now have the rebirth of
fascist ideas at the hand of the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn, which now sits in the Parliament. Golden Dawn
is even finding support among the popular classes. There are many
similarities between what happened in Argentina and today’s Greece. The politics of liberal shock that were
implemented in Argentina in the 1990s under the orders of the IMF were also
applied here. We are in that process, slow but destructive, a process that
acts very violently against the peoples and the marginalised: adjustment
plans, attacks against wages, unemployment. But since we are in the Eurozone
the IMF does not have things so easy as with Argentina. If they abandon us,
the consequences would be very significant for the other countries of
Europe. Our economy represents 2.5% of the European total. Moreover, the
euro is the second reserve currency in the world’s banks.
What lessons do you take from
the Argentinian disaster of 2001?
The Argentinian experience is very important for
drawing political conclusions. I would say that the most important
conclusion is rooted in the fact that the politics of neoliberalism is
cynical and inhumane. It is a dead end. But, on the other hand, Argentina
showed us the way in which a people can put a stop to this system and rebuild
its bases in order to live better, to reorganise the State and society. I
had to respond in the Parliament to the Greek Economy minister when he
made a very racist attack on Argentina. The minister said: “We are not like
the Argentinians”, and I responded to him that we were far worse than
Argentina. That is the truth.
Argentinian democracy was revitalised with the
crisis. In Greece, however, a very powerful neonazi movement arose. This
leads one to speculate that there may be in future a neonazi majority with a
strong radical left opposition, or vice versa.
I don’t think we will end up with a far right
government. The Greek people is the heir to a great anti-fascist history. This people has a historical
memory and it will not allow it. But there is something that has to be said
clearly: neo-Nazism and Golden Dawn are not an anti-systemic force, no, they are a force of the system
within the system. It is the strongest arm of the system which will be used
if it senses it is in danger. The only danger for our country are neoliberal
policies, the troika (IMF,
BCE, EU), and the neo-nazi movement, which is
their ally for travelling along this route.
You recently broke the silence
by proposing in the Greek Parliament that Greece should concern itself
with the fate of the Greek disappeared in Argentina. What happened with that
Among the 30,000 disappeared in Argentina during
the 1970s there were cases of around 17 people who were children of Greek
people. Their parents still do not know what happened to their children. We
raised this matter in the Parliament in order to try and ascertain with the
help of the Argentinian government what happened to those young people. We
cannot forget how an autocratic régime that ruled Argentina brought
genocide to nearly a generation. The violence, the disappearance and
the murder of so many people at the hands of those autocratic regimes must not
be forgotten about. In modern history there is a parallel between Greece
and Argentina, because here too there were dictatorships backed by the
great empires. We must protect with democracy future generations from
those dictatorships with democracy.
The neonazis have a lot of
strength. Part of it comes out of the social work that they do, their street
actions, their offer of safety. Could it be that the left lacks the ability to
defeat the far right in concrete situations?
What the left needs to do is create an ideological
front and, at the same time, build a model of society based on resistance
and solidarity. Solidarity is not philanthropy but how to resist
together. We cannot allow these groups to present themselves all cleaned up
when in reality they represent the history of the greatest violence
suffered by humanity. Our struggle in the street needs to have a different
model to build that ideological front for protecting the people. It is a
matter of a dual front: against neoliberal forces and against fascism.
–The so-called radical left has
many enemies, starting with those who should, at least, be a partial ally: social democrats.
In Europe and in the world social democracy has
undergone an incredible mutation in recent years. Social democracy
operates as a kind of plastic surgery with which they want to change something
that does not get changed. This casino financial capitalism cannot change
its image however much surgery it gets. Social democracy is incapable of
providing solutions to the real social problems that peoples confront. In
Greece, the party that represented social democracy, PASOK, was no
different from the right wing. They are a duplicate. That is why our left
can become a pole of alliances with a true social and popular base.
What would be your ideal model: Chávez in Venezuela,
the Castros in Cuba, Lula in Brazil or the Peronism of Kirchner in
Latin America was always an incredible social and
political laboratory that gave results. Every country and every movement
has its own specific qualities. We are interested un knowing what is the
best vision of socialism for the 21st century for the whole planet. Despite
the specific qualities we need a common vision and the same enemies. We
follow very closely the process of integration in Latin America. That
process is not theoretical, it is being practised and it provides
responses to neoliberal dogmatism. But what is closest to the Greek model
is Argentina and Brazil. In social realities and historical parallels,
we have much more in common with what happened in Argentina and Brazil. Of
course, we also have things in common with Venezuela and Cuba. Our enemies say
that Syriza wants to turn Greece into the Cuba of Europe. We respond to them
by saying that they want to create a Cuba in Europe, but the Cuba before
1960. That is where they want to take us.
You represent a generation
marked by an era in which there was a great depoliticisation. What would be
the formula for reintroducing politics, and, specifically, interest in a
politics of the left?
At the moment we are living through the final phase
of capitalism and not of socialism. We are in the fall of the capitalist
system and that brings us to a different analysis of social behaviour as a
generation, so much more so if we consider the conditions we are living
through today. My generation entered politics as a very small force in the
universities and colleges when there was a near complete hegemony of
neoliberalism, when there were economic growth rates that were huge but at
the same time abstract and when the examples of the good life were those of
super-consumerism. Now we are
in a different reality. Today, in Greece, half of young people between 24
and 35 have no job. They are
condemning that generation to live a lot worse than their parents, they
are condemning them to live without dreams. What we can give and say to this
generation is that in its consciousness it has to recover hope within
struggle. In order to rebuild those destroyed lives a better future has to be
built, there is no other way. Social justice and dignity are two very
important things for a generation that wants to win its future back.
You play football and you’re surrounded by people
from Argentina, one of them is an Independiente supporter. In a while you
will be going to Argentina. Which club do you fancy? Let’s take three: Boca,
River or Independiente.
I’ll back Boca because Maradona played there. I have
that mythical image of La Bombonera that I saw in photos and films. I have a
lot of faith in the politics of Syriza because we have that fantasy football
that is Argentinian football.
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